4 Reasons to Avoid an Expensive Mortgage

4 Reasons to Avoid an Expensive Mortgage

Buying a home, if done without any serious planning, might not be as great an investment as it looks and could spell financial ruin for you. Consider how paying a high mortgage can affect your present and future situation before making any decisions.

From the possibility of being house poor to others, here are solid reasons why you should avoid an expensive mortgage:

1. Higher Mortgage Can Make You House Poor

Being house-poor is unpleasant when everyone around you is living their best lives while you’re cash-strapped due to your hefty mortgage payment and other household expenses. But with experienced and competent lenders like Security America Mortgage, you can choose from an array of mortgage plans that better suit your payment capabilities.

2. Higher Mortgage Can Negatively Affect Your Investments

Any additional funds you use to pay a high-interest mortgage are funds you can’t use for other financial objectives such as managing your investments. You’re allowed to decline if your mortgage lender suggests that you’re eligible for a higher mortgage. Moving forward, you must establish personal borrowing restrictions, set a monthly payment amount that you can afford, and stick to it.

Keep your focus on what you think you should do and follow your best judgment in this regard. Don’t let your investments, future aspirations, and retirement plans be derailed by a larger mortgage payment.

3. Higher Mortgage Can Negatively Impact Your Mental Health

Stress from debt anxiety weakens your resistance to mental health issues and can cause unsettling emotional reactions. If one realizes they won’t be able to make their monthly payment, there are greater chances of a decline in mental health and an increase in anxiety.

At the expense of overextending your financial capabilities to become a homeowner, you might be forgoing your favorite pastimes, going on vacation, and doing other activities that make your life more comfortable and less stressful.

4. Higher Mortgage Doesn’t Guarantee A Better Gain On Your Property Value

Real estate, just like any other investment instrument, faces uncertainty at every turn. Different factors primarily market movements impact real estate withholdings. Paying a higher mortgage isn’t a complete guarantee that you’re going to make a handsome profit off your house when you sell it later on.

For instance, just a few years ago, the whole country experienced a massive economic recession that negatively impacted real estate prices. If you were one of the unlucky homeowners back then, you’d be extremely heartbroken to find out that the home you’ve been paying off mortgage has decreased its market price and would need years or even decades to recover its previous value.

Expensive Mortgage

How To Avoid Paying An Expensive Mortgage

Luckily, you can save yourself from paying an expensive mortgage on your house. How? Keep on reading below to find out.

Shop Around For A much More Competitive Mortgage

Don’t settle with only one mortgage professional. It’s recommended that you request quotations from at least three different lenders. You can ask family and friends for mortgage lender suggestions, or you can also research lenders online and read reviews until you find a few that you feel comfortable working with.

Zero In On Better Interest Rates

Once you have all of your quotations in hand, carefully review them and weigh your lending alternatives. Make sure you analyze the interest rate and any other costs that’ll be charged while perusing the mortgage quotations and choose the most cost-effective rate. While comparing mortgage quotes before applying for a house loan may require a little extra work, it can help you save a lot of money.

Avail Yourself Of Mortgage Support

If you own a home, you might be eligible for assistance with interest payments on your mortgage loans, specifically home repairs and improvements. Check out your local directory for additional information.

Housing expense assistance can help with mortgage interest payments and is paid to your lender directly. It’s paid as a loan that, unless you’re shifting the loan to another property, you must repay with interest when you sell or transfer ownership of your house.

Don’t Buy An Expensive House

A higher-priced house will command a higher mortgage payment – that’s the unbreakable truth. To avoid financial helplessness during unforeseen scenarios such as the loss of a job, urgent home repairs, medical emergencies, family emergencies, and the like, don’t buy an expensive house that you may struggle to pay for. Instead, opt for a less expensive property that has a much easier-to-manage mortgage obligation.

Provide A Down Payment Much Higher Than The Recommended Figure

Your monthly interest payments decrease as your down payment increases. Consider a large down payment as a way to start your home’s repayment without incurring interest. This translates into cheaper monthly payments and reduced total interest charges over the course of the loan.


Owning a home is a worthwhile achievement and a milestone of adulthood. Alas, if not done properly, buying a house can be a nightmare, especially if the mortgage is more expensive. Avoid burdening yourself with paying an expensive mortgage bill every month – keep in mind the points mentioned above for assistance.

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