Top Marketing Tips And Tricks For Fence Installation Companies

Establishing a successful fence installation business requires dedication, planning, and smart marketing. With the right approach, fencing companies can generate sustainable profits and create an enduring customer base. But where should you begin?

Marketing your fencing services is no small task – it takes knowledge of industry trends and an understanding of traditional marketing tactics to give your company an edge over its competitors.

1. Pay-per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective way to generate leads quickly. By creating targeted ad campaigns that are tailored to your specific target audience, you can direct potential customers to your website or store with ease and attract more business. Also, fence installers can use PPC to test out different marketing messages and track their effectiveness. If you want to get started with PPC, consider using a platform like Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising. While the setup process may be complicated, the long-term rewards are worth it.

2. Local SEO

When it comes to marketing your fence installation business, local SEO is an essential tool. Local SEO helps your business rank better for searches related to what you offer in your area. This means that potential customers who are looking for the services you provide in the area will find you more easily when they search online. By optimizing your website, creating content with focused keywords, and claiming any local listings or review sites where appropriate, you can ensure that your fence installation company gets seen by those who need it most. Additionally, taking advantage of local directories and leveraging social media can also be beneficial for improving local rankings and visibility.

3. Referral Programs

referral marketing fence installation

Referral programs are a great way to get more customers for your fence installation business. Setting up a referral program can be done quickly and easily, allowing your existing customers to refer their friends and family to you in exchange for rewards. This could include discounts on future services or cash payments. Not only will this incentivize more people to use your business, but it also gives potential customers a boost of confidence that they’re using a reliable provider. You can spread the word about your referral program through fliers, emails, or even by including information cards with each new job.

4. Networking

Fence installation companies should always stay connected with industry professionals and other experts in the field. This will help to build a strong referral network, as well as provide access to key resources that can be leveraged for marketing purposes. Use social media, attend conferences and trade shows, participate in online forums, or join any networking groups relevant to your industry to make the most of this invaluable tool.


By utilizing the marketing tips and tricks outlined above, fence installation companies can set themselves up for success. With a sound strategy in place, your business will be well on its way to generating more leads and gaining an advantage over competitors in your area. Remember to focus on local SEO, take advantage of referral programs, use PPC advertising, and build a network of industry professionals to ensure your business is well-positioned for growth.