8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your CV

8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your CV

An essential part of any job search is creating an excellent CV highlighting your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Your CV is your first opportunity to make an impression on potential employers, so it must stand out. However, creating a great CV is not easy, and it requires some effort and strategy.

This article provides eight simple tips to help you improve your CV and increase your chances of acquiring that dream job. From tailoring your CV to the job application to quantifying your achievements and using power words and action verbs, this article will guide you on creating a winning CV.

1. Tailor your CV to the job you’re applying for

Customizing your CV for every job application is essential in improving your chances of landing your desired job. Adding relevant experience and skills that fit the job requirements listed in the job description makes your CV stand out from the pile.

Employers can easily spot a generic CV that hasn’t been tailored to their job opening, and such a CV might not make the cut to the next round of the recruitment process. By using keywords from the job description in your CV and highlighting your strengths in each, you are underscoring that you have an in-depth understanding of what the employer is looking for and that you are well-suited for the position.

2. Quantify your achievements

Quantifying your achievements is a vital step in improving your CV. Potential employers are more likely to take notice of specific numbers and metrics that demonstrate your achievements than vague descriptions of duties. Adding numbers to your achievements helps to provide evidence to support your claims. It also shows that you are a results-oriented individual who can make a positive impact in any role you assume.

Quantifying your achievements also involves being specific with your training certification. If you are aiming for a trainer position, indicate that you have things like a TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in your CV. Placing relevant and definite information can help make your CV more interesting.   

While it might take some effort to quantify your achievements, taking the time to do it will help set your CV apart from the rest, and position you as an ideal candidate. Remember to focus on relevant achievements that match the job requirements and show how you can contribute to the organization.

3. Make your CV easy to read

Making your CV easy to read is crucial as employers and recruiters are often swamped with too many CVs to read. Using clear and concise language, bullet points, and headings and keeping it to two pages or less makes it easier for a recruiter to scan through and find what they’re looking for. Keeping your CV concise will also ensure that the most critical aspects of your experience are conveyed readably.

Ensuring the font size, style, and format are consistent throughout your CV can also improve readability. Making your CV easy to read not only makes it easier for the recruiter to read but also helps to make a good first impression. In conclusion, making your CV easy to read should not be overlooked. It is vital to improving your CV and increasing your chances of getting the job.

4. Use power words and action verbs

Using power words and action verbs is a great way to make your achievements stand out on your CV. Instead of using passive words that simply list your responsibilities, use strong, descriptive words that demonstrate your impact. Using active voice and action verbs helps showcase what you did and achieved rather than just listing what you were responsible for.

For example, instead of saying “responsible for managing a team,” you could say “led and managed a team of ten employees.” This demonstrates the responsibility and clearly shows what you accomplished and your ability to lead and manage others. Using powerful words and action verbs helps grab the attention of recruiters and employers, conveying a sense of professionalism and expertise.

Improve Your CV

5. Include a personal statement

Including a brief personal statement is a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers and make a strong first impression. A personal statement should summarize your skills, experiences, and professional goals. It should be concise and relevant to the position you are applying for. Tailoring your personal statement to the job and organization you are applying to is essential. This shows employers you have done your research and are interested in the specific role.

A well-written personal statement can grab the recruiter’s attention and provide insight into your personality and work ethic. It’s also an opportunity to highlight your unique selling points and what makes you stand out from other applicants. A personal statement should be placed at the beginning of your CV, making it the first thing an employer reads.

6. Keep your CV up to date

Keeping your CV up to date is crucial to ensuring that you are presenting your most recent and relevant experience to potential employers. Regularly updating your CV also ensures that you don’t forget any critical achievements or skills. By keeping it up to date, you can quickly apply for opportunities as they arise and avoid the rush of trying to update an outdated CV quickly.

Furthermore, updating your CV every few months can also help you assess your professional growth and keep track of your achievements and skills gained over that period. Keeping your CV updated also includes making tweaks and changes to align it with the job application better.

7. Get feedback from others

Getting feedback from others is a great way to ensure that your CV is presenting you in the best possible way. Sharing your CV with friends, family, or colleagues can help you to identify areas that require improvements, such as formatting, language, and overall flow. Constructive criticism is essential when it comes to improving your CV because it allows you to see it from another person’s perspective and get fresh ideas on how to better present your skills and qualifications.

Seeking feedback from a career coach or professional resume writer can also help you to attain valuable insights into the critical elements of a winning CV. Ultimately, taking the time to seek feedback and implementing the suggestions you receive can better position you for that dream job.

8. Double-check for errors and typos

Double-checking your CV for errors and typos is an important step to ensure that it is free from mistakes that might cost you a job offer. Ensuring your CV is error-free shows potential employers that you take attention to detail seriously. Typos and grammatical errors can be easily avoidable by proofreading your CV multiple times and using spell-checking software.

Double-checking your CV for errors also ensures consistency, especially in formatting and using language. Even minor mistakes in your CV, such as spelling errors or poor grammar, can send the wrong message to potential employers. It is also important to ask someone else to review your CV for errors and typos as a fresh pair of eyes can sometimes find mistakes you might have missed.


Improving your CV is a critical step in landing your desired job. By tailoring it to the job application, quantifying your achievements, using power words and action verbs, including a personal statement, and keeping it up to date, you increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and securing that dream job. Additionally, keeping your CV error-free and seeking feedback from others can help you refine your CV and present yourself in the best light possible. With these eight tips in mind, you can create a winning CV that showcases your skills, experience, and qualifications and positions you as an ideal candidate for any job application.