6 Reasons to Improve Identity Security With SSO

6 Reasons to Improve Identity Security With SSO

Single sign-on (SSO) is a popular feature in many organizations, but its importance is often overlooked. SSO technology is a digital tool that simplifies the process of authentication and authorization. It eliminates the need for users to remember multiple passwords, usernames, and other credentials. SSO allows users to access multiple applications with one set of credentials, making it easier for them to access all their accounts without having to remember different passwords.

This makes things a lot easier for users and more secure for businesses, especially considering that a majority of data breaches are attributed to lost or stolen credentials and brute force. With compromised credentials, cyberattackers can gain access to internal resources, steal confidential data, and disrupt business.

Enterprise security depends on the ability of enterprises to manage and authenticate identities and control privileged access, whether the users are inside or outside the perimeter. All identities in today’s world can be privileged depending on their access to systems, environments, data, applications, or other resources, as well as the type of operation they are performing.

The technology of single sign-on has many advantages. Continue reading below to learn how you can improve identity security with SSO.

It Increases Overall Security

SSO increases overall security by using various identity standards, such as SAML 2.0 and OAuth. Using SSO with role-based access control and two-factor authentication/multifactor authentication significantly improves an organization’s identity security.

By investing in a reliable SSO ID solution, you will have peace of mind knowing that these standards can allow for encrypted tokens to be transmitted securely between the server and the apps and protect your organization’s data from unauthorized access. Businesses of all sizes can partner with SSO providers to ensure that their customers and employees have secure access to their systems and applications.

It Enhances Strong Password Policies

SSO consistently helps organizations enforce strong policies for passwords and diminish the risk of poor password practices. Passwords are still considered the weakest links in the cybersecurity chain. A lot of users use the exact same password across multiple accounts, and most of them use it for as long as they can.

In addition, as many as 32 million employees may be sharing passwords with each other at work. SSO reduces the risk of bad password management by eliminating the need to use multiple passwords and forcing users to choose only complex passwords.

It Reduces Password Fatigue

A study reveals that the average user has 100 passwords they must keep track of. SSO eliminates password fatigue by allowing end users to choose and remember a single password (as long as it’s strong enough).

It is almost impossible to remember so many passwords, which increases the likelihood of the same password being used again. This increases the risk that passwords will be leaked if they are stored in insecure locations that are not managed by IT.

Improve Identity Security With SSO

Enhanced Customer Experience

This is one of the most valuable benefits. By using SSO, users can access all of their accounts with one click, improving their overall user experience. SSO is especially useful for organizations that have a large number of departments or people who require quick and unrestricted access to the same application.

SSO allows retailers, banks, and healthcare providers to eliminate problems with abandoned carts and provide customers with everything they need. The experience will be more seamless, with less friction and frustration. Customer loyalty, increased conversion rates, and improved brand visibility are all immediate benefits of improving user experiences.

It Prevents Shadow IT

Shadow IT is nothing new in the world of cybersecurity. It is the term used to describe unauthorized downloading in the workplace. Shadow IT used to be limited to employees who purchased software from office supply stores. As cloud-based downloads grow in popularity, the risks increase.

IT administrators can use SSO to track which apps their employees are using. By using a single platform for compliance and IT, an organization’s team can ensure global compliance standards are met.

It Supports Compliance

Industry regulations such as SOX, HIPAA, and PCI DSS require organizations to implement security measures in order to protect their data. Single sign-on solutions are often part of a broader identity and access management solution.

This combined solution will help you meet regulations that demand strong authentication and access controls. In addition, IAM helps businesses meet other regulatory requirements, such as privacy, activity tracking, and single sign-out.

Final Thoughts

Deploying SSO can be a great way for organizations to secure access to sensitive data and systems while also ensuring compliance with industry standards. SSO may not be perfect, but the benefits outweigh any drawbacks. As such, all organizations, including SMBs that are at increased risk, should make SSO a priority.