Essential Tips for Starting a Business in Cyprus

Tips for Starting a Business in Cyprus

Cyprus, a sun-drenched island in the Mediterranean, is not just a paradise for beach lovers and history buffs but also a promising canvas for entrepreneurs around the globe. The country’s strategic location, robust legal system, and attractive tax incentives make it an ideal spot for business ventures. Whether you’re planning to kick-start a tech startup, open a charming café, or venture into real estate, Cyprus provides a wealth of opportunities for success. 

This guide illuminates essential tips and insights for navigating the vibrant commercial landscape of Cyprus.

1. Know the Non-Dom Scheme

The Non-Dom Scheme in Cyprus is a significant consideration for any business-minded individual. This Non Dom Cyprus rule stipulates that individuals not domiciled in Cyprus are exempt from paying tax on dividends, interest, rent, and capital gains for 17 years. This scheme aims to attract high-net-worth individuals and entrepreneurs worldwide to invest and reside in Cyprus.

For entrepreneurs, this scheme can result in considerable savings and bolster the financial viability of their ventures. However, understanding the nuances and eligibility criteria of the Non-Dom scheme is crucial. Therefore, consulting with a tax advisor or legal expert is highly recommended to leverage the benefits of an advantageous scheme.

2. Choose Your Business Structure

Selecting an appropriate business structure is critical as it influences your business’s tax regulations, liabilities, and overall operations in Cyprus. You can operate as a sole trader, a partnership, or a limited company based on your business goals. A sole proprietorship may be suitable for solo ventures, while a partnership could work for combined efforts. 

On the other hand, a Limited Company may be ideal for more significant ventures, offering limited liability and a separate legal identity. Each structure has pros and cons, and the decision should be made considering various factors, including business size, scope, risk, and long-term plans. It’s advisable to consult with a local legal expert to understand the implications of each structure better and choose a setup that aligns with your business goals.

3. Familiarize Yourself with Tax Incentives

Understanding the tax incentives in Cyprus is essential for any aspiring entrepreneur. The country offers attractive tax benefits to promote business growth and foreign investment. Among these, a notable one is the low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, one of the weakest in the European Union. 

Additionally, Cyprus has double taxation treaties with more than 60 countries, eliminating the possibility of being taxed in two countries. Furthermore, there are exemptions on dividend income and profits from sales of securities, among other benefits. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of these tax incentives can significantly influence your business strategy and potential for financial success in Cyprus.

4. Leverage the EU Access

One of the most significant advantages of setting up a business in Cyprus is its European Union (EU) membership. As an EU member state, Cyprus provides businesses access to a vast market and trade benefits. This also means businesses registered in Cyprus can exploit the EU’s free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor principles. 

Moreover, Cyprus has implemented EU directives and regulations, ensuring a stable business environment and compliance with international standards. As an entrepreneur in Cyprus, you can leverage this access to expand your business activities within the EU market and beyond.

Business in Cyprus

Understanding the legal framework in Cyprus is an integral aspect of starting and operating a successful business. The legal system in Cyprus is aligned with European Union laws and regulations, ensuring transparency, protection of business rights, and adherence to international standards. In addition, intellectual property rights are well-protected, fostering an environment conducive to businesses, particularly in the tech, creative, and innovative sectors. 

Navigating labor, contract, and commercial laws can be complex, so professional legal advice is often beneficial. Regulatory bodies uphold rigorous corporate governance, ensuring fair competition and ethical practices. Cyprus offers robust dispute resolution mechanisms, including mediation and arbitration, for secure conflict resolution.

6. Network and Collaborate

Networking and collaboration are essential in the business world, which also holds true for Cyprus. The country has a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem with various local and international associations, chambers of commerce, and business support organizations. These provide opportunities for entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, and explore potential collaborations.

Furthermore, the Cypriot culture has warm hospitality and intense interpersonal relationships, making building a network and establishing trust easier. Attending business events, conferences, workshops, and seminars can also help expand your connections and learn from industry experts. By building a solid network in Cyprus, you can tap into valuable resources, partnerships, and opportunities for growth.


Starting a business in Cyprus requires thorough research, planning, and understanding of the country’s unique business landscape. Keep these tips in mind, stay updated on the latest developments, and seek professional guidance whenever needed to ensure a smooth and successful journey as an entrepreneur in Cyprus. The opportunities are endless, and your business can thrive in this dynamic and promising country with the right approach.