How RPL Can Enhance Your Career Opportunities

Finding a Job in Australia can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a college degree or you are a migrant seeking out a better life in that country. You have fewer career opportunities.

You may consider getting a college degree, but with the cost of tuition being what they are, it’s not always a viable option. This is when getting certified through RPL comes in handy.

RPL’s training and certification programs provide students with real-world skills and job-ready credentials. It’s like having a university education without the cost, and it’s perfect for people who need to get trained quickly and have a short deadline.

Here is how RPL can help you in enhancing your career opportunities and finding a job from your dreams.

What is RPL?

RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning, a process meant to assess your existing skills and previous education to check if you have the qualifications necessary for a certain job. Getting certified through RPL offers plenty of key benefits that could help you get a decent-paying job sooner than other alternatives such as pursuing higher education or enrolling in online courses. It will also broaden your career opportunities.

Time and Money

Taking a certificate course, which already takes less time than a 4-year college degree, can still take months to complete. This means you still get to spend several months stuck without the qualifications for the job you want. On the other hand, getting certified through RPL takes only weeks at most. As long as you can prove that you have the right skillset and experience, you’re good to go.

RPL also saves a lot of money. The alternatives mentioned earlier can set you back by as much as $25,000 or even more, depending on the college or the course. That defeats the purpose of trying to earn a high-paying job in the first place. Getting certified through RPL costs a fraction of that amount and even spares you from being burdened by big college loans.

That doesn’t mean certification through RPL is exclusive to those who didn’t take courses. When taking extra courses, certification through RPL can help you avoid taking classes or training for skills that you’ve already been through. This is especially true for people who attend multiple seminars or are taking a secondary college course where the curriculum may overlap with certain subjects.

More Suitable Career Opportunities

Finding the right job for you can still be difficult even after finishing a bachelor’s degree. This is because a lot of businesses value skills and experience more than just degrees. On paper, your resume may indicate that you have the qualifications for a job, but you might be caught off-guard by a job’s actual skill requirements.

Both college and non-college job seekers can benefit from getting certified through RPL. By having a more accurate assessment of your skills and experience, it will be a lot easier for you to narrow down (or expand) your career options. It will also give employers a better idea if you are good enough to get the job.


A Better Chance for Everyone

One of the best things about getting certified through RPL is that it’s a good option for both Australian citizens and migrants alike. Because some companies prefer applicants that studied in Australia, a bachelor’s degree earned overseas doesn’t mean much to employers.

This isn’t the case with getting certified through RPL, which assesses an individual’s accomplishments and skills based on Australian national standards. Think of it as a way of “translating” your overseas education into something Australian employers will find more meaningful.

This is also good news for applicants who studied in Australia but finished education in lesser-known institutions or online courses. By getting certified through RPL, an individual’s credentials are measured the same way as those of people who graduated from more prestigious universities.

Thanks to certification through RPL, the dream of getting a good job in Australia can be a reality for more people. Providing huge advantages for both college graduates and non-degree holders alike, RPL helps employers see an applicant’s true qualifications and potential.