Tasks to Outsource to a Freelance Tech Worker

freelance tech

We live in a freelance economy, where many people opt to work remotely, start a side gig or use their skills to go into business for themselves. In fact, this might be what led you to start your business.

The skills exchange opportunities have created a flourishing environment for business owners who need to outsource small jobs. Hiring a freelance tech worker can be the answer to your problems with website glitches, application performance in real time, and more. Here are some of the many tasks you can outsource to a freelance tech worker.

Website Management

One of the most popular demands for technology tradespeople is managing a website. This could encompass a number of different tasks, from developing the site to creating custom features and plugins specific to the needs of the business. It could also mean running diagnostics on the back end and ensuring everything is running smoothly.

For example, you might receive a customer complaint that your site loads slowly lately. You’ve noticed a downward trend in sales and think it might be related. Hiring someone with technical experience can help improve the speed of your site and ensure that you aren’t losing business over something trivial. Your site speed also plays directly into your SEO, so it’s important to maintain.

Related: Why Freelancing Could Be the Future(Opens in a new browser tab)

App Development

It seems like there’s an app for everything these days. As a business owner, you can either scoff at this approach to business or see how it can work for your offering. Unless you know how to create an app from scratch, you’re better off outsourcing to someone else.

Consider the opportunity of creating an app. In 2017, almost half of the internet traffic worldwide was conducted through mobile apps. Yet, many small businesses have yet to jump on the bandwagon. Consider getting ahead of the curve and working with an outsourced tech expert to get the job done.

Related: Tech Support: How this Key Component of Business Can Make or Break You(Opens in a new browser tab)

Technical Writing

This area is a bit more specialized and won’t appeal to all types of business owners. However, if you have a tech-related business, that doesn’t mean there’s no room to outsource your tasks. This is especially true when it comes to technical writing.

Technical writing translates some of the in-depth concepts onto paper. It is a special skill to be able to comprehend the ins and outs of technology and to be able to write them well enough that someone new to the industry can read and understand what they’re being taught. If you have to convey complex ideas about the things your business is creating, consider hiring a technical writer to help with the job.


The internet has opened doors to billions of people worldwide. However, that also means that less-than-savory characters are able to access the internet as well. Cybersecurity is a hot topic, and crucial for protecting your private information and intellectual property.

Outsource your cybersecurity efforts to someone who truly comprehends the technology involved. Gone are the days of downloading free antivirus software and being done with it. Hiring a tech worker to oversee your cybersecurity and ensure that you have the right tools in place can save lots of pain and expense down the road.

Automation Installations

A huge aspect of success as an entrepreneur or small business, where resources and employees are limited, is the automation of processes. Remember, if it has structure and repetition, it can likely be automated.

A tech worker can help you automate anything from your website CMS sales funnel to your weekly client update reports, depending on what you need and how rigid the process is. If you find that there’s a tech-related issue that you can’t automate, you can outsource it to a tech worker to handle.

It’s important to be aware of the fact that information technology, software development, and all of these various areas of tech are diverse and require different levels of expertise. Look for referrals and find someone who knows how to help you achieve your goals.