How to Save Your Budget: Quitting Smoking

quit smoking

If you are among the millions of people who smoke, you are familiar with the nuances that this habit causes. But most importantly, you already know the risks of smoking on your health. It’s also possible that you have tried to quit or thought about it. No doubt, that there are a large variety of ways or approaches to stop that habit successfully.

Many people have tried Vaperevs herb vaporizer and other means in their attempt to quit smoking.

However, in addition to hurting your health, smoking is bad for your financial wellbeing. Quitting smoking can help you save a significant amount of money. When you quit smoking, the money that you save money can have a significant impact on your life.

As such, both the health and financial impacts of smoking should motivate you to quit. Nevertheless, even the health impacts of smoking will end up affecting your financial wellbeing. That’s because you need money to treat the illnesses that arise from smoking.

The Cost of Smoking

A pack of cigarettes costs around $5. As such, if you smoke a pack every day, you end up spending $35 every week. This may not seem like a significant amount, especially for people with decent incomes. However, if you consider the cost of smoking on an annual basis, you will notice that you end up spending a whopping $1,820 on smoking every year.

Round this up to five years, and the amount becomes $9,100. When you calculate the amount in 20 years, it becomes $36,400. This calculation is based on the assumption that the cost of cigarettes doesn’t escalate. This is way higher than the amount that you would spend on quit smoking products like a weed vaporizer.

Related: How Much Can You Save by Switching to Vaporization?

Ideally, if you quit smoking, you can save your budget and spend the savings on more important things like paying your child’s fee, buying a decent car, or a house.

Medical Expenses

Smoking affects people differently. This makes calculating the medical expenses that are associated with smoking difficult. However, smoking exposes you to respiratory illnesses. These include colds, lung cancer, allergies, emphysema, and COPD. Since you may have to co-pay for medical prescriptions and get sick days at your workplace, you may end up spending a significant amount of money.

If you develop lung cancer, you may end up spending about $5,000 on chemo treatment. This combined with surgeries and probably radiation can cost you a whopping $200,000 or even more in medical bills. Even with a health insurance policy, you can still have to pay deductibles worth thousands of dollars.

Don’t forget that the cost of insuring a smoker is higher than that of ensuring a nonsmoker. Ideally, smokers are required to pay for their habits when getting insurance coverage. That’s because they have more risks of medical problems.

Other Costs

In addition to the cost of cigarettes and medical expenses, there are other costs of smoking. For instance, you may have to spend money on cosmetic concerns. Smoking is associated with premature aging. This is one of the reasons why people are turning to weed vaping and other vaping gadgets that do not produce smoke.

When you notice the effects of smoking on your appearance, you may invest in serums, creams, and restoration procedures like microdermabrasion. These will end up costing you much more money. Essentially, there are many economic effects of smoking. Quitting smoking can help you save on your budget and invest your savings where it matters.

Quitting Smoking Tips

Quitting smoking can be insanely costly depending on the taken approach. However, there are stop-smoking aids that can be used without spending money. Some gadgets like a weed vape pen will cost you upfront but pay up for themselves concerning the savings that you will take down the road. Perhaps, the most important tip to quit smoking is to realize that no matter what method you use, you will not use it forever. Here are some of the ways to quit smoking.

Inhalers, Patches, and Gum

A significant reason why people that want to quit smoking relapse is the absence of nicotine in the body. When the body becomes used to having nicotine, its absence induces a craving that is not easy to control. However, there are nicotine replacements like patches, sprays, lozenges, and gum that can be used to ensure an easy weaning process.

These products work by providing a nicotine hit to the body. However, they do not come with harmful substances like carbon monoxide and tar that are associated with smoking. What’s more, these products are not as addictive as smoking.

People use them to end their smoking habits eventually.


There is no medical license for e-cigarettes so far. Additionally, there is no sufficient and conclusive evidence to prove the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as quitting smoking tools. However, many people are using them in their effort to quit smoking. That’s because they deliver nicotine into the body without exposing it to the harmful substances found in cigarette smoke. The current market has many designs of weed pens. Some of them are easy to use discreetly and carry anywhere a person goes. Thus, people can get their nicotine dose even in places where smoking is not allowed.

Smoke-free NHS

These are among the cheapest resources that help people stop smoking. This website features tools and free advice that helps smokers quit. It also has a free phone number that a person can use to get further advice and support. Visitors can also order a quit kit free of charge.

Additionally, there is a mobile app that is designed to help a user avoid lighting up. This app tracks the duration a person stays smoke-free and the amount they save by doing so.

The Bottom Line

You need to know the effects of smoking on your health and finances and then decide to quit. However, quitting won’t be easy even with this knowledge and tips. It’s therefore crucial that you get support from loved ones and other resources such as online forums. You also need to use an effective method to quit smoking.