5 Tech-Savvy Law Enforcement Tools Entrepreneurs Have Served Up

From patrolling the streets of major cities on foot, or making traffic stops along highways, law enforcement has been getting far more tech-savvy. Thanks to entrepreneurs and their wild ideas for technology, police officers and other law enforcement officials are armed with some pretty cool technologies.

Much of this technology is aimed at keeping citizens and officers of the law safe while making daily work more efficient. From license plate recognition to unmanned aircraft, let’s take a look at the tech-savvy law enforcement tools of today’s digital age.

1. Robocop does, in fact, exist in today’s digital age

Ok, maybe not the kind of Robocop from the movie. But robots have been taking on more roles in law enforcement in the digital age. Why? Robots can go and do things that may be unsafe for human officers of the law to do. Law enforcement robots can also get into places big, clunky humans can’t as well.

For instance, robots equipped with movable arms and cameras can be driven into harm’s way, like in a bomb threat scenario. This allows human officers to stay safely back from a potential bomb, but still, be able to assess the seriousness of the situation. This type of tech is a big win for law enforcement.

2. License plate recognition software and cameras

Law enforcement officials no longer need to manually type in license plate numbers to get the information about a driver and vehicle anymore. With new entrepreneurial technology, law enforcement has license plate recognition software and cameras. This police tech is integrated into the police database and DMV, helping officers know if a vehicle may be stolen, or if the driver has warrants, or is dangerous.

In fact, license plate recognition software and cameras can scan more license plates and get data faster than an entire police force. This may seem a bit big brother, but it could be another form of technology that can keep people safer in the digital era.

3. Law enforcement is connected with iPads and other mobile devices

There really hasn’t been technology as critical to law enforcement as the iPad or other mobile devices like tablets. What’s interesting is that this form of technology police have is actually available to everyone. The iPad has altered the way law enforcement does their daily tasks in a very positive way. This is because law enforcement officials can do it on the go.

Tasks once tethered to the desk are now able to be done from anywhere. This has had a profound effect on police efforts. Accident reports, suspect data, and access to state crime databases are all available at the fingertips of police because of mobile devices.

4. Gunfire detection technology

In cities across America where there is more than average gun violence, law enforcement has deployed gunfire detection technology. You may be wondering what this is. When a gunshot is picked up by a gunfire detection system (GDS) it alerts law enforcement to respond within a few block radius of that gunshot.

Research has found that “The ShotSpotter accurately detected 80 percent of the shots fired in the field test; 72 percent of the shots were also triangulated, with a 25-foot margin of error in pinpointing the exact location of the gunshot.”

This is important, because it allows first responders to respond faster, and have an alert system in place since many gunshot crimes go unreported in some areas. GDS keeps areas safer and helps law enforcement departments that may be understaffed.

5. Aircraft technology that is flown without a pilot

The digital age has ushered in drones and other unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). This has been a useful technology for law enforcement. For instance, an unmanned aircraft can fly to search for crime suspects, find lost people, and scan for survivors after a natural disaster when manned vehicles cannot get to destroyed areas.

Unmanned aircraft systems are expensive, mainly used by the military department. However, as the technology becomes less expensive, more law enforcement agencies are purchasing unmanned aircraft technology. This is something that could be more prevalent in the future.

Wrapping up . . .

Law enforcement is gearing up with technology to make daily tasks mobile, as well as make enforcing laws and responding to emergencies more efficient and effective. The above five tech-savvy law enforcement technologies in use today are only a few. There are certainly more technologies in use, or in the works for police officers, and other first responders to do their jobs optimally.