SEO Actions to Significantly Improve Your Rankings

seo actions

There are numerous SEO actions that you can perform that will have a significant impact on your rankings. Many of which are simple to implement, or you can employ the services of a marketing agency such as 10X Media who can implement them for you.

Write More Content

Writing more content is a simple want to improve your content.

There are different opinions on this topic. Some of these will say people no longer have the patience to read 2,000 words. This may be true for Social Media click-bait posts, but for someone who wants to cure hemorrhoids, this isn’t the case.

However, most of the SEOs accept that longer content ranks better in search engines.

So, if you have content that has not yet been made to the top, consider adding more words to is and perhaps you will see an improvement. Just adding random words, however, will not help much. You want to make your content as relevant as possible, so you want to cover adjacent topics.

Updating your old content is helpful as well.

Publishing more often is another good want of increasing your SEO visibility. You will cover two topics if you write two articles per month. You will cover four topics if you write four. Simple.

Ask Customers for Reviews

You will need good reviews if you want to be at the top of your Google MyBusiness page.

But how do you get the reviews?

Sometimes, it can be as simple as asking them. Other times, it is not so easy. In these cases, you may need to have an incentive. Wait a week after they purchase an item and send them an email. If they offer you a review, you can offer them a discount on their next purchase.

Compress Images

Conversions and SEO are both impacted by slow websites. Google does not want its users to wait for pages to load.

The solution is simple, do not upload big images. Typically, images should not exceed 100-200kb in size. Consider finding the right size pixel as well.

Or, you can use image compression plugins. There are many of them that can be found on Google for various content management systems like Joomla or WordPress. If you are unable to locate one on Google, consider using 3rd party tools like ShortPixel or TinyPNG.

Optimize Your Titles, Headings, Content & Meta

Many people make the mistake of not optimizing their title, heading, content, or Meta tags. Which means not adding the relevant keywords.

It may not be easy creating a keyword-rich title optimized for numerous phrases while also being catchy to the eye, but it is important to at least place the most important keywords in there.

Claim Social Media Profiles

If they are public pages, social media profiles can rank in Google also. You can optimize the social media profile for a different keyword, however, keep your main keywords and brand in the title.

Consider securing accounts on all the popular platforms.

Remove Unnecessary Features/Plugins

It is important to not add things to your website you do not really need. Sliders are one good example of a feature many webmasters believe they need. In fact, sliders not only kill conversions, they also slow down the website, especially if it’s not a well-developed slider plugin for WordPress.

Also, if you decide you no longer need a feature, be sure to uninstall the extension/plugin. Do not only deactivate it. It is also a good idea from time to time to check and clean your database of unnecessary entries and tables but be sure to backup everything prior to making modifications.

Become Mobile Friendly

I can guarantee, if your website does not display well on mobile platforms, you are losing plenty.

While this can be a big modification, in some cases it is as easy as installing a responsive website design. It is not very difficult to change themes on content management systems.

However, you also have to take all the redirects into account to make sure you do not lose traffic if your website run on a separate mobile version before. To ensure you do this by the book, ask for advice from a digital marketing professional like 10X Media.

Avoid Over-optimizing

The majority of what I said in this article is basic. If you have not started doing them, start. However, it is important not to overdo it.

In fact, you will mess things up if you try to overoptimize.

Do not try to determine the next big thing. If a few things work and show results, abusing them could be harmful in the long run.