Content Writing Tips from the Idea of Creation to Publication


Have you ever wondered how authors can create content that, regardless of the topic and time of day, generates hundreds of thousands of views, links, and reposts on the Internet and social networks? At first glance, it seems that this is very easy for them and the whole thing is in the wide readership, but the fact remains that this is a very long and laborious process.

The creation of content able to attract readers for several months and even years requires high commitment, mastery in marketing and journalism, understanding of the target audience, well-coordinated teamwork, and accumulated expertise over the years. Experience is not taken from anywhere but is a natural consequence of hard work.

Where to start? Of course, with the definition of purpose. If you haven’t yet developed a strategic vision and understanding of the format of your information resource, then first, carefully study our content writing tips. Once the goal is identified, the strategy for achieving it is described – it’s time to create! It’s like when you write a resume, you need to impress. The whole process consists of 6 steps, which are described in detail below.

Six steps you should take to create great website content

Let’s have a look at the steps involved in writing. They are the following:

  1. Choose a theme and approach;
  2. Conduct research;
  3. Start writing;
  4. Structure it;
  5. Cool down;
  6. Edit your text.

Step 1: Pick the right topic

Your task is to create an article that will be of interest to the reader and help achieve your business goals. At this point, you should already have an editorial calendar in which you describe goals, topics, and keywords. Now, it is necessary to move from a general idea to specifics. To unleash the potential of a given topic, try to look at the topic from a new angle and try to understand the target audience of your site.

The topic and keywords are going to indicate to you the conditional direction of movement, within which it is necessary to move towards the goal. This approach narrows the space for creativity but, at the same time, directs your thinking. So, you have a general idea and a broad topic. Now you need to focus on the main thing – think about one aspect of the topic, one question that you need to answer. Next, go on to search for additional information you can use to reinforce and complement your own opinion on a given topic.

Step 2: Conduct research

Two tools come in handy here: Feedly and Google Search. In Feedly, you can track the flow of information, see which publications receive more attention from the readership, and search for the resources you are subscribed to. A keyword search on Google can show you what authoritative publications are writing on the subject. You can also evaluate the competition in a given topic.

Look for information that complements your content:

  • Quotes;
  • Statistics;
  • Examples;
  • Stories;
  • Expert opinions.

Check the facts, refer to the source, and don’t plagiarize the ideas of other authors. Keep ideas, graphs, statistics, and other useful material that will be useful to you in the future.

While you are doing your research, make sure that you learn from experts and read a blog for content writers and editors so that you can create better content.

Step 3: Start creating content

Now you have an idea and a vision of how to reveal it. Start the process of writing. It’s better to begin with a sketch. Describe the idea as a whole. You’ll supplement and structure at the next stage. Now, it’s important to record the flow of your thoughts. Remember: if the process becomes unbearably difficult, it means you’re trying to squeeze too much information into too little space.

Although there is no specific standard for the volume of text that affects the popularity of the publication, as practice shows, the text part should contain at least 1,500 to 5,000 words, depending on the channel for further distribution. Small texts fit social networks, over 7000 words for a standard blog and sites with pages containing thematic content.

It’s important not to think about the format but to create content that will be of interest to the reader.  When thoughts are over, do not fall into a stupor – go to the next step. You’ll be inspired during the process of structuring. If not – just ask talented custom writers from ProHighGrades to help you.

Step 4: Structure your piece of writing

Regardless of the content size, the basic structure should look like this:

  • Introduction + annotation.
  • The main part – keep the promise that you indicated in the introduction.
  • Completion – summarize and conclude.
  • Call to action – let the reader know what to do next.

Continue to work on the main text within the framework of the created structure. Segment the content and transfer its constituent parts to a suitable section. Complete the sections. This approach is going to significantly increase your productivity and content quality.

Make sure your subheadings are specific but wide enough to convey to the reader the main point of the next 200-500 words. Add subtitles, illustrations, graphics, and quotes to your content. They’ll enliven your content and greatly facilitate the reading process. This is especially true when writing large texts.

Step 5: Take a break and check your content writing later

The content draft is ready, and now you want to re-read it again and fix the errors. But it’ll be a waste of time and effort. It is extremely difficult to edit or proofread your work immediately after writing it. Save the document and leave it until the next day. You’ll restore your performance and quickly fix all the shortcomings and errors.

Step 6: Edit your text

Now, you can read your article in the way your audience will read it. Evaluate your writing according to these criteria:

  • You said something new in your article.
  • All supporting material pertains to the topic.
  • The text has enough information to confirm your point of view.

Make sure the story flows from one section to the next, revealing paragraph by paragraph the key idea of ​​the article.

  • Check annotation. Is the first sentence intriguing? Reduce the annotation as much as possible. On social networks, articles with short annotations (40-100 characters) receive more clicks, likes, and reposts.
  • Check grammar and punctuation. Simplify the text.
  • Come up with a headline. It should be informative but short (7-10 words).

Final thoughts

Now you know more about creating content than many brands publishing their materials on the Internet today. After going through several hundred cycles of these six steps, you’ll gain the power of a content writing guru and learn how to create materials that will be quoted by future generations.

As a content marketer, you must relate to the production process with all the responsibilities inherent in a professional writer and publicist. Remember, it’s extremely difficult to create truly high-quality content alone. Teamwork plays a key role in delivering quality content to the stream.

Evaluate your strengths and take part in the process by yourself. If you have difficulty generating ideas for articles but are good at promoting, then engage in community management or paid advertising and delegate work to the professional custom writer. May the power of content marketing be with you!