5 Keys to Making Good Use of Video Games

Good Use of Video Games

Making good use of video games is essential so that children can enjoy video games and learn from them without becoming obsessed. Take note of these tips on how to do this.

Today’s society is constantly changing and technology plays a fundamental role in our lives since childhood. The “digital natives”, our children, use them with a facility that astonishes their parents and with an intensity that makes many worries about addiction to screens and problems such as cyberbullying and cyberbullying.

Teaching them from an early age to make responsible use of technologies and establish minimum guidelines at home is essential to avoid any of these problems and ensure that children benefit from the advantages of video games.

1. Check what your child is playing

The video games you use should be practical and as varied as possible so that they receive different stimuli: that they teach you history, that they have some social/cooperative component, that they include puzzles that stimulate your intelligence, that you have a rich script, etc. Know the age rating systems and type of content, such as PEGI, and find out if the game includes online components, guides such as guides for afk arena, microtransactions, and other factors to take into account when assessing whether it is appropriate or not.

If the game allows players to create content, it is important to know the rules indicated by the platform. Consult forums, social networks, and reading reviews will let you know everything. And the idea is that you play together so that you feel that you are interested, at the same time that you know what he spends his time playing.

2. Safety first

Video games today offer one and a thousand possibilities of interactivity: online games, chats to share tricks and experiences, extra paid content to learn about other game possibilities… It is advisable to create the account together and choose platforms that have registration systems by age and security codes for parents, as well as an access password. These codes are not necessary to enter and play or navigate, but they are needed to make changes to the account. As for messaging systems, it is convenient to opt for tools that allow parents to choose who can send messages to minors, who can chat with them in the application, or even disable the chat.

3. Control your time

The use of technology has come to occupy an important place in the daily life of children and adolescents, and it is important to agree in advance with them the use of online play and monitor signs of dependence.

4. Avoid predators

The technologies are full of good things, but they also hide people with bad intentions who may annoy children who are on play platforms. Our children should be wrapped up at this point and feel confident to go to their parents if they receive some kind of inappropriate request. Remind them not to share private data or photos and offer them trust and closeness so that they won’t hide anything from you.

5. Watch out for cyberbylling

It is a practice that can be found on online platforms, even though it currently includes real-time human moderation and tools for automatic detection and blocking of inappropriate language. Again, it is key to talk to children about this type of behavior so that they can identify and report this type of abuse. It will be vital to be aware of all the mechanisms offered by the online game that your child plays to prevent this type of abuse, such as blocking certain users and reporting systems of the platform, as well as seeking personalized advice on support services.