Training Solutions – How Custom eLearning Development Can Benefit Your Organization

Training Solutions – How Custom eLearning Development Can Benefit Your Organization

In the business environment, we often hear the phrase, “Our employees are our greatest asset.” As an entrepreneur, you probably agree with this statement, and maybe you’ve even used it a couple of times. We would like to offer you a different perspective on the matter by adding that employees can only become valuable assets if you empower them with the right set of skills and tools.

It’s the entrepreneur’s responsibility to ensure his employees are equipped with the knowledge and abilities to unlock their full potential. Investing in human capital is an absolute must if you want to run a successful activity. But it’s how you manage these investments that make all the difference. When we talk about employee development and training these days, all roads lead in the same direction: custom eLearning development. We cannot ignore the advantages and extraordinary possibilities offered by eLearning solutions.   

A lot of companies still wonder which approach is best when it comes to training their employees: opting for a readymade training program or for custom eLearning courses. Choosing pre-built online courses might be tempting with the low costs and hassle-free process, but these are hardly the benefits you should be after.

We’ll give you 7 reasons why embracing custom eLearning development is always the better choice.

1. It caters to your specific needs

No two companies are the same, therefore using a one-size-fits-all training program would simply not yield the expected results. Even businesses that operate in the same industry or niche have many characteristics that set them apart. Since each organization has its own personality, a training program should respond to its specific needs and requirements.

Custom eLearning development does just that: it provides tailored eLearning solutions to each company. Instead of overwhelming your employees with the information they don’t actually need and teach them all sorts of skills that are not relevant to their activity, you can give them the chance to focus on improving the exact areas that need improvement through custom eLearning development.

2. You can tailor the program as you see fit

When you use a ready-made online training course, what you get is what you’ll work with from that point on. This poses numerous limitations, as you can’t adjust the program as you go. On the other hand, when you decide to go with a custom eLearning platform, you’ll be able to tweak and trim the program as you see fit.

Apart from getting a training course that responds to all your needs and learning objectives, you can also update it with ease. In the business world, evolution is key and this also means that your training program has to keep up with all the changes that occur within your company. With custom eLearning development, modifying training content is not an issue.

3. It provides easy access to learning material

Traditional training methods usually require employees to learn at specific times and in certain locations only. When different work schedules come into play, it can be difficult to manage the learning process effectively.

Luckily, custom eLearning development eliminates time and space restrictions, allowing learners to access online courses from different locations and at a convenient time. By developing custom eLearning programs, you allow your employees to study at their own pace and in an environment that facilitates learning.

4. It creates a strong bond with the learners

Custom eLearning courses are all about personalization and provide employees with materials and information they will apply in real-life situations in the future; they create an emotional connection with the learner that can’t be achieved through generic learning techniques. This will make employees feel completely engaged in the learning process and motivate them to improve further. When emotional involvement and passion come into play, the learning activity goes beyond absorbing information and turns into a personal development endeavor.

5. It improves knowledge retention rates

Since custom eLearning courses focus on engagement and real-life applicability and imply an emotional connection, knowledge retention rates are bound to be higher than with regular courses. Custom eLearning development includes activities that are fun, and interactive, and aim to develop relevant skills for all employees.

It’s much easier for learners to recall information if they associate it with their emotional experiences during training. Employees are taken through a process that will help them focus on their strengths and find ways to work on their shortcomings. The whole idea is to support their development, help them improve on a professional level, and gain skills that will stay with them forever.

6. It reduces training time

Time is a valuable resource that no company can afford to waste, and that holds true in a training set as well. Custom eLearning development also comes with the benefit of reducing training time, while still being much more effective than traditional courses. That’s because custom eLearning development focuses on delivering the necessary information and nothing else.

Learners don’t have to go through endless materials and select what is relevant to them. The courses can be designed to respond to their particular needs and help them find the fastest route to achieving their learning objectives. As a result, they can start by applying what they’ve learned more quickly.

7. It offers measurable results

What would be the point of training your employees if you have no way of measuring the results?

Custom eLearning development also takes care of this aspect, giving companies the possibility to track employees’ development and measure the results. You’ll be able to monitor every step of the process and know how many of your employees have taken the course, how they performed during the training, and how effective the eLearning journey was overall. This is extremely valuable information as it will help you identify the areas that you need to work on and improve eLearning courses for the future.