What Exactly Is A Corporation, And Why Do You Need It?

What Exactly Is A Corporation And Why Do You Need It

As someone looking to start a business or someone who has a business, it’s pertinent to understand what you could potentially gain from incorporating. A corporation is a legal entity that separates its owners from the company. Therefore, it can offer numerous protections.

In this article, we will be going over some of the benefits and drawbacks of corporations vs. Limited Liability Companies (LLCs).

1. How Much Flexibility Do You Need?

One of the major things that you should be considering would be the amount of flexibility you need. When you start up an LLC, you can expect to gain more flexibility.

A corporation will be much more rigid in structure. Therefore, the corporation will have more input from more individuals within the company. A corporation will have everything from officers to shareholders. At the same time, an LLC has much less to worry about when it comes to maintaining a high level of flexibility because you have much more control over the entire company.

2. Understand The Various Tax Differences

When you start up an LLC, you will be able to get a lot more flexibility with your taxes. An LLC will have the freedom to mix up the profit and losses among the various members of it. At the same time, you don’t get the same kind of flexibility or freedom with a more rigid corporation.

3. Ownership Concerns

There are many more limitations with ownership when it comes to a corporation. Whereas an LLC doesn’t have the same limitations in place. Therefore, an LLC could present the optimal solution for those looking for specific ownership benefits.

Why You Need An LLC or Corporation

1. Protection

Both of these will provide you ample protection as a business owner. This is the number one reason you should be looking to incorporate your business or form an LLC. This will ensure that you can put a barrier of protection between you and the company.

Without the formation of a corporation or LLC, you will be held personally liable for any lawsuits filed against your business. This alone can force you to put your assets at risk when you are running your business. This can get you in major trouble when you are running your business because you will be putting yourself in a position to get in personal debt over business-related matters.

With a corporation or LLC, you will get liability protection. An LLC provides more protection than other corporations.

2. Flexibility In Taxes

As mentioned previously, an LLC holds numerous tax advantages over other alternatives. For one, you will be able to include your business income and loss on your federal tax return, which gives you much more flexibility. Likewise, borrowing money can lower the taxes of the owners of the company. At the same time, you do not get the same advantages as the formation of an S-Corp.

3. Raise Money

A lot of companies will be in a position where they need to raise money at some point. This is especially true when you are looking to scale your business beyond your ability to finance the cash flow. Forming a corporation will make it much easier to raise money for the company.

A corporation, in this case, would be easier to raise money because you would effectively be selling stock to investors. Whereas selling interests in LLC would be much more difficult. Thus, if you are aiming to raise money for your company, forming a corporation might be the better path.

As you can see, you must form either a corporation or LLC when you are starting a business. If for no other reason, you should be forming one to protect your assets.

Running a business as a sole proprietor is never recommended. It would put you at risk from creditors if your business were to get sued or go into debt. By forming a corporation or an LLC, you should be able to give yourself a protective barrier that will give you the peace of mind to run your business. Likewise, it will offer you various tax advantages that you wouldn’t get as a sole proprietor.

Choosing the right option for your business comes down to figuring out which one offers the most benefits for your business type. Speak with a qualified professional, and you should be able to find the right option for your business.