How to Provide Support For Your Remote Teams

How to Provide Support For Your Remote Teams

More companies have chosen to have a remote team for providing technical support to their customers. However, if there is no support for those team members, it can cause grave inconveniences for the customers as it relates to their experience.

It is important to make sure that the team knows how to manage their time and how to be professional over the phone; among other things.

The Collaboration

In every organization, good teamwork is central to increased and improved productivity. And so, when there is a collaboration among remote team members, it makes the customer experience so much better. There are fewer wait times and fewer errors and obstacles, but instead, more opportunities for finding solutions. Interdepartmental collaboration with the remote team can promote and provide structure; giving the team enough ammunition for executing mandatory action plans to optimize the customer’s experience and to improve the company’s reputation.

The Training

Companies should provide ongoing and frequent training as a way to support remote teams. Training should be free, informative, and in-depth. The team should be instructed in various areas that directly affect their work and these could include:

  • Time Management
  • Customer Service
  • Effective Communication
  • Tool Management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Company Protocols
  • IT Management
  • Programming Languages
  • Problem Solving Techniques
  • Integrated Software Application

All members of the remote team should be ready to execute the right solutions; thinking on their feet and using the training to tackle problems. It is also important to provide the team with a Frequently Asked Question page or manual to access when unsure. It is also helpful to provide a comprehensive library of basic hacks and terminology. This reduces wait time and also lessens the number of submitted tickets for problem-solving.

The Use of Technology

To provide support for remote team members means that companies should invest in advanced technology or some form of technology at the least. A lot has been done to create software for this purpose, but many team members may not have access to it and so companies should make this accessible to all team members; remote and in-house. It should be centralized and proprietary where all team members can communicate in real-time. This will make communication so much easier for everyone. It takes away all limitations and promotes effective interface usability.

Video Conferencing

There are many companies that utilize video conferencing in high definition to provide support for their remote team. The traditional or conventional conference room is replaced with virtual access to being in on the meetings without being physically in the room. And so, remote teams are kept in the loop and can sit in on the meetings; being able to see and hear what is going on and not feeling left out there on their own.

Design Workable Methods

For team members that have to work remotely, the goal is to design methods to bridge that gap, which may exist due to the issue of distance. The administrators who plan and design these methods should ask how they can make the interaction between remote workers and their counterparts happen in real-time. How can equal participation be ensured? What kind of technologies and methods could enhance the smooth flow of content and information? It is all about planning and executing actions that will facilitate the team and benefit the company.


The use of technology is the ultimate key to providing support for your remote teams; helping them to have a better experience at working in a virtual environment. Remote teams should have easy access to the company’s secure computer network, help desk software applications, and any equipment that would make their jobs easier.