When AI Meets Creativity

When AI Meets Creativity

As technology marches on, and we see an increase in the innovative uses of computer programming, it seems inevitable that every industry will be touched in some way by artificial intelligence in the coming years. 

We’re already seeing the incredible impact the technology is having in the creative sphere, particularly in relation to digital marketing. Today we’re summarizing how campaigns are being affected, and how your business can get ahead of the competition by getting in early with new AI platforms. 

Bring Data to Life

Marketing used to be all about the raw numbers. Segmenting your demographics, tracking response rates, and trying to work out just exactly what your customers were thinking. AI revolutionizes this data-gathering aspect of the process and fuses it with a dash of creativity. 

Smart algorithms can now analyze responses such as color preference, sounds that have the most impact, how video campaigns are working and even the type of text fonts that are gaining traction. The right AI platforms can feed all of this valuable data back to your marketing and design teams, allowing them to create campaigns that perfectly tailor to not just market segments, but right down to the individual level. 

You can start to better predict buying behaviors across demographics and regions, even pinning down seasonal changes. One particular platform we like that makes good use of this technology is yellowHEAD’s creative intelligence, which nails down and analyzes very specific data points, turning your advertising campaign into a coherent story. 

Automate Mundane Tasks

AI takes the pain out of data analysis. Tasks that would once take hours of painstaking review to glean valuable insights can now be done in just a few minutes by the best tools and platforms. 

Not only does this free up time to let your creatives focus on what they do best, but automation also ensures campaigns are timed to have the most impact. This includes scheduling email campaigns, timing social media posts and sending out SMS messages. Using AI helps to plan out the customer journey, launching a set of predetermined steps that it has deemed to be most effective at different times.

What’s more, the AI monitors the effectiveness of each step, assessing how engaged your audience is, and suggests tweaks and changes for next time. After several campaigns, you should have a pretty clear idea of what’s going to be successful and what isn’t.

Improve Customer Engagement

We’ve already touched on how smart tools can help you create targeted campaigns, and work out the best time to trigger each marketing event, but the best AI allows you to capitalize on those moments you interact with your customer base. We’re all constantly bombarded by noise and ads these days, and many of us are getting quite adept at skimming over new information if it doesn’t immediately grab our attention. 

With the help of AI, you’ll know exactly what kind of content your user base is going to engage with, whether this is a specific type of animation, the way an email is worded or even just the type of messaging your customers respond to best. If you have techniques that worked in the past but aren’t working so well now, your AI tool will tell you exactly where you need to mix things up in order to boost engagement again. 

Multi-channel Distribution and Analysis

Marketing campaigns these days require your creatives to work across multiple platforms at once. You might have a series of Facebook posts, a set of YouTube videos, an email campaign, blog posts, and an instant messaging component all to keep track of. You can’t just reuse the same content across all of these platforms either, as what works well on one could flop on another. 

AI steps in to collate the information from all of these disparate sources into one place, pinpointing exactly what’s working and what isn’t. You can make creative decisions on the fly, quickly changing aspects of the campaign on one platform with ideas that are working on others, or even dropping channels altogether and going back to the drawing board. 

From the very start of the brainstorming process when kicking off a campaign, all the way through to crafting the final product, your AI will be beavering away in the background telling you where to make tweaks at every stage.