Easy Ways of Getting a Fan Base Growth

Easy Ways of Getting a Fan Base Growth

When it comes to promoting your music on Spotify and other music streaming platforms, there is for sure lots of work required. The fact that you are competing with millions of other people streaming their music on these platforms means that you must work very hard and increase your fanbase.

This is not as easy as it sounds. It may also not be as hard as it may seem! As long as you can follow the steps given in this article, it should be easy for you to increase your fan base. For instance, Spotify plays increaser is one of the options that you can use. Other than this, there are other ways you can increase the number of people who visit your Spotify channel.

Here are some easy ways to get a fan base growth:

1. Play Free shows once in a while

This can be a good way to find fans. However, you need to be careful, especially for people in their early careers. The idea here is that you should assess the situation and get to know if there are benefits of playing for free. When a promoter suggests to you that you should play for free, you may need to ask yourself some questions. How many people will be at the show? What time will you play? Who are the other artists playing? These questions can help you decide if you can play for free or not. Where the audience is big, it may help you increase your fan base.

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2. Play with Established Artists

This is another strategy that works for your benefit. Playing a show by yourself may not work much for you. This is especially so for people who are new to the scene. Therefore, the right thing to do here is to play with people who already have a huge fan base. If you can network with the local artists, or artists of the cities you are touring, you can use this as a catapult to help you increase your fan base. You can find musicians to go with by visiting the Facebook pages of these musicians, liking the page, and thereafter finding other related artists through suggested Facebook pages.

3. Don’t Gig Too Often

This is something that can be detrimental to your growth. As such, do not gig too often in the same city or town as this can make your shows lose value. Try to separate your shows as this increases the urgency of the shows. This makes it a better show for all those involved. You can also promote your shows locally even through social media so that your fans know when you are gigging.

4. Use Local Mailing List Subscribers

You should create a mailing list for the promotion of your channel. When you do this, ensure you have segmented your subscribers based on their location. This makes it easy for you to send them suitable links for buying your tickets. It also makes it much easier for subscribers to attend your shows, as opposed to a situation where you send the link to all your subscribers, regardless of their location.

5. Use Facebook to create an event

This is a sure way to market and promote your event. We all know that most people are on this social media platform. Using Canva, create an event photo and share this with your Facebook friends and page fans. You can then invite all the people you know, and better still, using Facebook Ads, promote the event. This way, you should increase your fanbase.

6. Distribute your music as a form of marketing

Using the right distribution channels, you can get your music to more people and also increase the fan base in the process. Use other streaming services to avail your music to more fans. By ensuring your music and merchandise is everywhere, you can be sure of getting more fans as a result.