What Should I Put On My Desk?

office desk

For many, whatever’s on the desk usually sets the mood for the day. For instance, it’s hard to look forward to a workday when a ton of paperwork is piled on your desk accompanied by yesterday’s dirty coffee cup. The same goes for a desk that is otherwise organized and clean but lacks cool desk accessories to boost your mood.

Take a colorful and lively desk packed with all the disaster-proof tools you need, which might translate into a joyful and productive day ahead.

Four Things to Put On Your Desk

The desk itself should reflect one’s work and character, so it makes sense to use the available space to bring it to life. It’s also important to make the desk look as tidy at the end of the day as it did at the beginning.

That gives you something fresh to look forward to the next workday, which can be particularly helpful if you’re feeling crappy or just not in the mood. Hence, that little time spent organizing before leaving the office matters a lot.

Now that the important cleaning reminders are out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the things to put on the desk that can liven up space and put you in a good mood.


There’s something about staring at the greenery that just makes your day better. The right plants don’t just look good on your desk; they also improve the surroundings’ quality and boost productivity.

Go for live plants that don’t require as much care since you’ll have a lot of work on your plate. If that isn’t that option, a synthetic plant that looks close to the real thing should be an acceptable substitute.

Just keep in mind that it has to have a welcoming and cheery feel to it in order to boost your mood.

The Right Lighting

Lighting at home or in the office can sometimes feel so clinical, resulting in a lack of or too much illumination. That causes your eyes to strain, leading to headaches, fatigue, and a poor mood.

Although natural light is something some desks have access to, a lot don’t, so there’s no choice but to rely on less-than-appealing fluorescent lighting. Fortunately, all it takes to remedy this situation is to add a lamp. You can go for the full-spectrum bulb that gives off warm lighting with a natural feel.

The great thing about these lamps is that they can be switched on and off, depending on the situation. There are times during the day when the sun shines the natural light you need to be productive. Then, there are moments when the light doesn’t hit your desk quite right, and you need to turn on your trusty lamp for that additional warmth.

In place of a lamp, you can also try adding fairy lights to liven up your desk.

Daily Planner

How are you supposed to keep track of all the things you need to do without a planner? Well, sure, some might be just that good, but it’s safe to say most need a daily companion to stay sane throughout their typical workday.

A planner should occupy the desk space right in front of you. That way, you can review it before getting the day started. Your choice of a planner is also important. You might prefer one that’s more lively than the dull and bland planner your company usually offers.

High-Quality Office Supplies

You’ll usually be provided with all the supplies you need at the office. However, they won’t usually be in the style, design, or color you like, which doesn’t make them mood boosters. Sure, there are stationeries and post-its to access freely, but will they even be exciting enough to make you look forward to the day? Chances are, they won’t.

Office supplies should be high quality and fit your personality to be effective. When even jotting down notes cheers you up, it will feel a lot less like work and more like something you really enjoy.

There’s no need to go overboard with the upgrades, either. Just look at the items you use most often and see if you can get them in the style or color that suits your personality. That should turn your accessories into mood boosters and another reason you look forward to going to the office.

A Tidy Desk Is Just as Important as Desk Accessories

Desk accessories are what get you through a typical day at work. What we need might depend on our work and personality, but, at the end of the day, what’s most important is that we keep our items clean and organized. Your desk can have everything required to navigate a typical workday yet still might not ensure your desired productivity level because of its disorganized accessories and poorly utilized space.