Want To Start a Profitable Business In 2021? Try Out These Hot Picks

profitable business

One of the best ways to make big bucks, retire early and live the life of your dreams is by venturing into entrepreneurship. But, venturing into an enterprise that made the likes of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, Bill Gates, etc., super-rich isn’t easy.

First off, the winning mindset and determination must be present. Afterwards, you need to channel the attitude into something profitable. And that is where people often get it wrong: finding the right business to venture into.

If you are one of such people, you should count yourself lucky. As in this article, we have cherry-picked some of the best profitable businesses to kick start your entrepreneur career.

1. Translation

Are you bilingual or multilingual? Do you speak and understand French, Spanish, or English well enough? If yes, there is a huge opportunity waiting for you out there. With the right platform, you can make good money from this rare skill. You could start from the best freelance platforms and grow your portfolio from there.

Who knows, sooner than later, you could be the personal translator to a mogul or even a politician? The world is a huge place filled with people who speak different languages. You’ll definitely make good money leveraging your skills.

2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is a goldmine! And contrary to what you may have heard, you don’t need to build a mega-size warehouse like Amazon, nor do you need to empty your bank account to kick start this business venture.

Dropshipping involves shipping products directly to your clients from a third party. The third-party could be Magneto, Shopify, or OpenCart, whichever suits your needs. To establish a dropshipping business, all you need is to set up an online store and liaise with suppliers who are ready to do the hard part. Easy-peasy, right?

Well, provided you do everything right, you should hit the ground running without many difficulties, and who knows, you could establish a warehouse of your own in the future.

3. Real estate

Based on a report from the IRS, of all the Americans who declared over one million dollars on their income tax return, 71% were associated with real estate. What does this signify? In a nutshell, it portrays the lucrativeness of the real estate business.

A real estate business is an entity that buys, sells, manages, and invests in real estate properties. If you handle your assets intelligently, form the right partnership, and make appropriate decisions, making megabucks off this business venture shouldn’t be difficult. Along the way, you could decide to set up a “we buy houses company”. You can take a cue from some of the best we buy houses companies.

4. Online tutoring

If you are well-versed in common subjects like math, English, art, etc, you could leverage your knowledge and make good money. There are several people out there struggling with these subjects, and thanks to technology, you can lecture such individuals remotely.

Don’t expect to make a huge amount of money once you kick off this enterprise. You have to trust the process. With enough perseverance, commitment, mixed with hard work, you should reach your financial goals.


A huge percentage of the individuals on the coveted Forbes rich list are entrepreneurs. This means that if you want to accumulate wealth, retire early, and leave enough fortune for your loved ones, you need to embrace entrepreneurship.

However, don’t make the mistake of expecting huge financial success immediately after you kick start your business. The process would take a while. Getting rich doesn’t happen overnight. But, if you stay on track and refuse to give up, you’ll breakthrough.