5 NDIS Plan Management Tips For Beginners

plan management

In Australia, about 4.3 million people are living with disabilities. Individuals who have disabilities require support to help them cope, and they need a support plan tailored to suit their individual needs. (1)

Normally, support for people with disabilities entails a collaboration between carers and the government. Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the government has set aside funds to offer financial support to people with permanent and significant disabilities. It also supports children with developmental delays so their skills and dependence improve over time. (1)

But while NDIS offers support, it may still be challenging to take full advantage of the program. Fortunately, carers can work with program participants to design a plan to optimize funding, services, and long-term management of the NDIS plan. If you’re new to the program, you can familiarize yourself with these essential tips.

1. Get a plan manager

As a first-timer, getting assistance from an NDIS plan management service can help you maximize the benefits of the NDIS scheme. While working with plan managers can mean extra charges, it’s more advantageous as they can help you with the following tasks:

  • Keeping track of your funding: plan managers can record how you spend your funding and may advise you on some changes to help you utilize your plan fully.
  • Prioritizing expenditures:aplan manager can help you prioritize by designing a budget plan for each support you can use.
  • Finding covered service providers:these plan managerswill make a list of the service providers covered by your NDIS funding, including the details on how much they charge. (2)

Choosing the right NDIS plan manager may not be that challenging. You can either ask for referrals or look for plan managers online. However, do thorough research on their profile so you can guarantee to receive excellent services. (2)

2. Clearly define your goals

The main purpose of an NDIS plan is to support you in reaching your goals and help you thrive in different stages in life. It’s best if you have a plan that reflects your objectives, such as finding and keeping a job, improving your health, developing better social skills, or becoming more independent. (3)

Your goals may include ideas of what you want to do and achieve in your life. They can also be short-term or long-term. Either way, having them will help you set an achievable plan. (3)

3. Review your plan

As your NDIS plan should help you reach your goals, it will be regularly reviewed to ensure your objectives are still relevant and you’re on course to fulfilling them. The first review happens after your first year in the scheme. Afterward, it can be scheduled every two years at most, depending on your goals and personal circumstances. (3)

However, many things can happen within these two years’ time, and your personal circumstances and goals may change. When this happens, don’t wait for your next review and take the initiative to review your plan yourself. Just inform NDIS about the change. By doing a self-assessment of your plan, you ensure you’re not wasting your time on a path that’s not relevant to your changing situation. (3)

4. Know the pricing arrangements and limits

Price arrangements and limits are the maximum prices that registered providers can charge NDIS participants. These are set in place to make sure you receive value for money in the supports you get. By understanding these price arrangements, you’ll know how price controls for services and support work in NDIS. (4)

The information on pricing arrangements and limits is available for viewing on the NDIS official website. Update reports are also released regularly.

5. Keep up to date with NDIS announcements

NDIS can make regular changes to spending rules and price guidelines, which may impact the amount of support you receive. That’s why it’s imperative to stay informed about updates.

Following the official NDIS website and their social media sites will keep you updated on any significant announcement that may affect you. You may also follow any major announcement from other online resources, such as plan management blogs. If you’re working with a plan manager, you can also get all the necessary information and clarifications from them. (5)


The NDIS plan is a support program for people living with disabilities in Australia. For some participants, it may be challenging to take full advantage of the program, especially for first-timers. If you’re a beginner, these detailed tips will hopefully guide you in your NDIS plan management and assist you in achieving your goals.


  1. “What is the NDIS?”, Source: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/what-ndis
  2. “A Beginner’s Guide to NDIS Plan Management”, Source: https://anzmh.asn.au/blog/ndis/beginners-guide-ndis-plan-management
  3. “5 Tips to Bring Your Goals to Life Through Your NDIS Plan”, Source: https://breakthru.org.au/blog/5-tips-bring-your-goals-to-life-through-your-ndis-plan/
  4. “Pricing arrangements”, Source: https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements
  5. “Top tips for keeping your NDIS plan in good health”, Source: https://myplanmanager.com.au/top-tips-for-keeping-your-ndis-plan-in-good-health/