Choosing the Right Development and Collaboration Software: Seven Ways Atlassian Services Make Your Life Easier

7 Ways Atlassian Services Make Your Life Easier

Collaboration software makes life easier for large teams who all need access to the same information to work together more efficiently. The software makes it much easier for all members of the team to stay on “the same page,” which allows for much better results in the end.

The Atlassian tools available today help teams of all sizes do their jobs more efficiently, whether their project is small or large, and below are a handful of those tools worth considering if you’re in this situation.

1. Jira Align

Utilized in real-time, this tool lets you aggregate all of your team-level data so that all of the work is visible across your enterprise. When it comes to your scope, road maps, and other necessities, the tool allows you to make sure everyone is on the same page. You can also connect all of your investments with customer value so that outcomes are more reliable and happen much faster.

2. OpsGenie

Atlassian tools such as this one allow you to notify your people of events at just the right time, enabling you to give all of them their on-call schedules and certain important alerts, among other things. It is flexible enough to fit any workflow and gives you a great analysis and reporting tool, to name a few. You can even use the tool to investigate certain incidents to save time. Finally, you can connect OpsGenie with tons of other collaboration tools you already have.

3. Halp

Think of Halp as a small-scale help desk that you can use to capture, track, and report all of the requests coming in from your teams, both onsite and off-site. It makes it super-easy to turn messages into automatic tickets more efficiently, and it encourages your team members to answer other members’ questions themselves, making it fast and simple for others to get those answers. It is a lightweight help desk feature that packs a lot of punch.

4. Statuspage

This tool allows you to communicate real-time status with all of the users in your company. It allows for instantaneous status updates so that emails and inquiries don’t build up during your downtime. You can manage all of your subscribers directly and even send consistent messages through email, text, or whatever another channel you wish to use. Think of Statuspage as the communication part of your incident management process.

5. Jira Software

Many agile teams use this software, which makes collaboration a lot easier simply because everything you need is in one place. You can take large ideas and break them down into smaller chunks so they are easier to manage, listing your stories, tasks, and issues in one easy-to-find location. Ready-made templates give you a head start and can customize your needs so that the software grows with you, saving you both time and money.

6. Crowd

The Crowd is one of the Atlassian tools that is used for identity and security purposes. It is a sign-on and identity management tool that is there for administration and integration purposes. Simple sign-on means you can integrate all of your Atlassian products, such as Jira and Bitbucket, as well as centralize all of your directories, making it easier to manage the users that aren’t even in your main directory.

7. Trello

Trello is a visual tool that allows your team to better manage any type of project or workflow they’re involved in. It is the ultimate productivity tool, and teams love it because it will grow as you grow, allowing you to add more features as your workload increases. It starts with boards and lists that include timelines, metrics, calendars, and task assignments.