Beyond the Sale Sign: Essential Steps for a Smooth Business Sale in Austin

Essential Steps for a Smooth Business Sale in Austin

It can be nerve-wracking to sell your business in Austin, Texas. You want to make sure everything goes well but, at the same time, know there are some things over which you do not have control. However, there are several steps you can take for yourself and the deal to make the business sale go as smoothly as possible.

Determine if you are ready to sell your business

Some business owners are going through a tough spot, get frustrated with the current state of their business, or get influenced by outside sources and make the rushed decision to sell. It is not a decision to make lightly or quickly, especially if you want to prevent wrong choices. Take as much time as you can to determine if you are ready to sell or if something else is going on that may be pushing you in that direction, but you are still getting ready.

Evaluate your mindset and emotional state

This evaluation ties into the previous point, but you must be in the right mindset and emotionally to sell your business. For instance, it is advisable not to make any major decisions while you are grieving. Before you commit to selling your Austin business, consider speaking with a mental health professional to ensure you are in the right state of mind before you make a decision involving your business from which you may not be able to return.

Get a valuation from an Austin business

A business valuation is an essential step in selling your company in Austin. It needs to be done by a qualified appraiser who will evaluate what your share of the business (whether it is in whole or part) is worth. They consider everything, such as assets and debts, and allow there to be no question about the worth of the business from a financial standpoint.

Find the right Austin business broker

A business broker helps sell and buy businesses, ensuring everything gets done legally and correctly, including with the paperwork and negotiating the ultimate sale price. Multiple business brokers, including IBEX Middle Market Business Brokers, are in and near Austin. Do your due diligence to find a qualified individual or team with an excellent reputation that can help you.  

Determine your nonnegotiables

Chances are you have at least a couple of nonnegotiables involved with selling your Austin business. For instance, you may insist that your team stay on or refuse to sell below a specific price. Write down a list of these nonnegotiables and let your business broker know so they can plan accordingly and/or advise you whether these stipulations are realistic.

Get everything in order and upgraded

Upgrade as much of your company as possible and make sure everything is in order if you want your Austin business to show in the best light. For example, have your accountant review all your financial paperwork to ensure it is in order and replace equipment necessary for the business that you still need to upgrade. Do as much as possible before you start putting the company up for sale, but note that the potential buyer might have nonnegotiables of their own that need completing before finalizing the sale.

Consider a transition period

Should you decide to sell, there will likely need to be a transition period as the Austin business exchanges hands between you and the new owner. It can help increase the chances that the business will succeed, which is especially important for owners who want to ensure their customers continue to receive the exceptional service to which they have grown accustomed. There is no set amount of time for a transition period to take place. That is for all the respective parties to decide.

Get insight from your professionals

While you do want to stay true to your wants and needs regarding selling your business in Austin, it is also essential that you get insight from your team of professionals and listen to what they have to say. You chose them to be part of the team associated with your business for a reason, so chances are you value their opinions and recommendations. Even if you do not initially agree with their insight, take some time to consider it anyway.

Once you decide you are ready to sell your Austin business, the process begins to make that happen. The best thing you can do is find a local business broker. They can guide the way and make the process less overwhelming, making it easier for you from start to finish.