Top 10 Tips To Boost Staff Motivation

staff motivation

A motivated staff can really impact productivity, and therefore, the overall success of a business.

Similarly, demoralisation and discontent amongst employees can lead to decreased efficiency – in fact, research shows that unhappy and disengaged workers cost the U.S. economy $450 to $550 billion each year in lost productivity.

On the other hand, organisations with engaged employees typically outperform businesses who don’t invest in employee motivation or engagement by 202%. To help businesses reap the benefits of an engaged workforce, we have compiled the top ten tips to boost staff motivation:

1. Radiate Positivity

Research has shown that happiness can boost sales by 37%, and create an overall environment of motivation and dedication. One way to do so is by creating a healthy workspace for the team – offices that are comfortable, well-lit and safe. Encouraging creativity and feedback is another way to make employees feel valued, and thereby, motivated.

2. Use Training To Motivate Employees

Investing in your employees’ professional development is important to inspire a positive change in the workforce. Training by Impact Factory can help employees develop team building, interpersonal and communication skills–in turn, these can help build an environment where they feel motivated to work, and produce results.

3. Give Your Employee Purpose

Fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and community helps managers give employees a sense of purpose. As a result, your employees are more likely to embrace challenges and take risks that can really pay off.

4. Set Realistic Goals

Good work culture and environment sets realistic goals with a clear direction to help employees know what is expected of them. In other words, employees should have short and long term goals that align with the business’s values, and mission statement.

5. Let Employees Know You Trust Them

Building trust requires time and consistency – and the best way to do so is by building two-way communication, and providing constant feedback. This helps employees feel that the leaders understand the challenges that they face every day, and empathise with them. Remember, motivation is closely tied to feelings of trust, respect and fairness in the workplace.

6. Reward Employees

Recognizing your employees’ efforts can increase their motivation exponentially.

Every company needs a strategic reward system, and the most beneficial system is one that recognises employee performance and behaviour.  In the long run, employee recognition and awards can boost satisfaction, and help create result oriented work culture.

7. Prioritize Work-Life Balance

Long work hours, including working during nights and weekends, can lead to a stressed workforce. This not only leads to health complications which can impact productivity and motivation, but also stops employees from working on peak capacity. Hence, organisations that realise the importance of a healthy work life balance tend to have increased employee satisfaction, and retention.

8. Provide Autonomy

Employees work best when they are left to their own devises. This is the main reason why managers and leaders should work to provide a sense of autonomy to employees that makes them feel more in charge, and motivated to complete tasks on time.

9. Let Employees Lead

Employees who are given managerial roles feel more integrated, and trusted in the workspace.

Ralph Stayer in 1980 stressed the importance of delegating tasks, and letting employees make decisions. This directly helps foster an environment of growth, constant motivation and long term commitment. 

10. Celebrate Holidays and Create Traditions

Celebrating traditions and holidays is key to boosting morale around the work place, and lead to increased teamwork and engagement.

What Employees Really Want

The workplace is constantly evolving and shifting, and organisations need to be cognisant of this shift to boost motivation. Remember, employees thrive in a climate of autonomy, trust and effective leadership – this is why modern businesses must devise strategies to keep their work force engaged and motivated for maximum productivity.