4 Important Reasons Why Every Business Needs Cyber Security Services

cyber security services

More than 60% of small businesses are hacked within a single year.

Could yours be next?

While there are some kinds of cybersecurity threats that no amount of protection can prevent, the right cybersecurity services can do a lot.

But just how important is having a cyber security specialist on your side, and is it really worth the money?

Read on to learn why the answer is always a resounding “yes.”

1. You Could Face a Lawsuit

The biggest reason why so many companies today are hiring cybersecurity firms?

Because they’re afraid of the high prices that come with lawsuits after a data breach.

You’ve read about the settlements from these lawsuits in the news. After a 2013 hack, the retail giant Target had to pay over $18 million to customers.

Can your business truly afford that? And could it recover its reputation after a public lawsuit? Speaking of your business’s reputation…

2. Your Company’s Reputation is at Stake

Nearly 60% of businesses that are hacked are forced to close their doors within six months of the cyberattack.

Be honest: would you stay with a company that clearly wasn’t doing anything to protect your personal information?

Customers won’t stay with yours, either.

Even if you do manage to stay in business after an attack, it will take you months — maybe even years — to make up for the losses you suffered.

3. Backing up Your Data

What would happen if you lost all of the customer data you’ve collected over the years? How much business would you lose, how would your customers be impacted, and do you think your business could truly ever recover?

Companies don’t just help to stop cyberattacks from happening in the first place.

They also run backups of your data — often once every few minutes.

This means that even if you do lose control of your website, you can get it back up and running again as soon as possible.

4. Increased Consumer Trust

Perhaps the biggest reason why investing in cyber security services is always worth it is that they’ll help you to gain your customers’ trust.

No one wants to have their personal — and often sensitive — information leaked over the Internet or fall into the hands of hackers. You can show your customers their privacy matters to you by letting them know about the ways in which you’re protecting their data.

For many in today’s world, proper computer security is quite a selling point.

What Should You Look for in Cyber Security Services?

Remember that now all cybersecurity services are created equal.

Now that you know why proper data security matters, you need to focus on choosing the right time to protect your company and your customers.

But what should you look for to ensure you make the best possible choice, and what are some common security threats you need to be aware of?

To find out the answer to this question and many more, keep checking in with our blog for new posts on all things cybersecurity.