Tips on Creating and Running a Successful Café

Successful Café

If you love people and food and have a head for business, opening a café might be right up your street. Lots of planning will be needed to make your dream a success.

Here are a few tips on creating and running a successful café.


Finding the right premises is a fundamental part of the process. Not only in terms of having adequate space but the location is also key. You want to ensure that you are situated in an area where there will be a good level of footfall. The majority of your customers are likely to be passing trade.

You may want to consider purchasing a going concern. The initial legwork will be done and a customer base established.


Thinking of a name, creating a logo, and having signage, menus, and other branded goods created is an exciting part of the process. Make sure it all gels together with the vision you have for your business. Once branding has been decided and you have a proposed opening date, start marketing. Create social media accounts and get the word out. Speak to local newspapers and bloggers and let them know what you are doing. You might get some free advertising!

Fittings, fixtures, and decor

Once you have premises secured, consideration should be given as to how it will be fitted out. Plan your seating area and buy tables and chairs which will maximize your space. Think about how you want your café to be decorated. If you are creating a modern and trendy café, make sure your décor is aligned with that.

Also, don’t forget to design your space to be a family-friendly cafe space.


Getting the right staff could be the difference between success and failure. They are the face of your business. Recruit staff who are not only well presented but who like people. Waiting staff who are confident and bubbly are likely to create a fabulous rapport with customers. An enjoyable and friendly experience is far more likely to make a customer come back.


Consider what customer payment methods you will use. There are various payment solutions available for businesses nowadays which can make transactions faster and easier. Investigate the options available to you.

You must ensure that you have methods in place to track income and expenditure. You want to ensure that your business is profitable so its essential finances are monitored. It may be prudent to employ an accountant to do this for you.


Create a menu that will appeal to your target market. Whether it be breakfast rolls, light bites, or more substantial alternatives, you must get it right. Track what sells and what doesn’t and make changes as needed over time.


In any food-related business, cleanliness is paramount. Make sure your kitchen and waiting staff know what is expected in terms of hygiene and cleanliness. Your premises may be inspected from time to time so they must be up to standard. A clean and fresh-looking café will usually always attract customers.

Further Reading