What Are The Pros Of A Medicare Advantage Plan?

medicare advantage plan

Are you planning to use Medicare Advantage Plans 2020? Then it is best to, first of all, know about the pros and cons of the same. Also referred to as part C, makes it possible for those who are on Medicare part A which is the hospital insurance, and Medicare part B which is the medical insurance, to receive their benefits in another option.

The Medicare advantage plans are under Medicare but provided by private companies that are contracted by the same. You might be wondering whether to sign for the original Medicare plan A and B or to go for the Medicare Advantage plan (Part C). It is hard to get a definite answer to that as there are features that are good while other features are not so good and thus, might not be compatible with your lifestyle or preference.

Advantages Of A Medicare Advantage Plan

There are several advantages that you will receive when you embark on the Medicare Advantage plan which you will not get while at the same level as the Medicare part A and B. The advantages include the coverage of routine dental care, hearing aids, routine vision care, fitness center membership, and prescription drug coverage.

Other advantages include:

It Might Cost Less:

If you happen to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, you will continue to pay for part B of Medicare premiums and you might even pay an extra premium. The provider of the insurance will determine the Medicare advantage plan premiums that you are going to pay which might vary from one provider to the next. There are some providers that offer a minimum as low as $0.

Under the Medicare advantage, your cost-sharing might be low. It also limits your out-of-pocket expenses maximum. Once you are done spending the maximum, for the remainder of the year, you will pay nothing more. With the original Medicare, it doesn’t provide for a maximum out-of-pocket capitation and thus, your expenses are limitless.

It is possible for this plan to be less expensive as compared to the coverage which you would receive in case you decide to stay on the original Medicare. For you to get the benefits of the Medicare Advantage plan combined with the original Medicare, then you have to enroll with a Part D stand-alone Prescription drug plan and also a Medicare supplement plan.

It Coordinates Care Amongst All Your Health Service Providers:

Medicare advantage plan is managed care which has various networks of providers of health care. There are various HMOs and PPOs under its umbrella. You will have to select one primary care physician who will then coordinate your care with the rest.

The Medicare advantage plan which includes the prescription drug coverage has the management of medication therapy. The coordination of care can be a valuable and convenient aid when it comes to your health.

With all the above advantages and much more, this advantage plan might be the future.

Further Reading