7 Things to Improve on Your Call to Action

7 Things to Improve on Your Call to Action

If you’re thinking about creating a call to action (CTA), but aren’t sure exactly what to do with it, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up seven tips that will help you refine your call to action and improve your conversion rate. When you’re developing your CTA, you’ll want to ensure it gets attention and encourages people to take action.

Do you use a call to action on your offers? How does your call to action convert toward the purpose of the offers that you have? One of the critical components of an irresistible offer is your call to action because you don’t need an offer that doesn’t encourage some action. The purpose of your offer is always for people to take the action you ask for.

If your potential customers can’t see a clear call to action in your offer, you can’t expect them to take the action you want.

So, in this post, we’ll take a look at seven important things that need to be in place to make a great call to action.

1. Answer why your customers need to take actions that you ask for.

This is an excellent question because it’s not only the right question to ask, but it’s the correct answer to give. Customers need to take action. You can’t just say “take this action” or “buy my product.” You have to say “why are they taking this action?” And then tell them how they need to take action to achieve your goals.

I know that you want your potential customers to take some action. Why? Is it for the sale that will generate an immediate buying decision? Is it something that will increase your lead database? Or, is it something that will make you closer to them for future arrangements with your business?

Once you understand your customer’s motivations, you can find a way to address these in your messaging. This is the core of persuasion. If you’re trying to get a customer to take action to make a purchase, the best way to go about it is to address why your customer should care. You want to use language to make your customer feel that you understand their situation and that your product is a perfect solution.

Also, you’ll need to know what you want to achieve. How can you expect them to take the actions if you don’t know what that action is or why they need to take it?

When answering this question, think about the benefits they will receive if they take action and find a good place in your offer to include those benefits.

2. Display clear value that your customers will get from the action they take.

Now that you’ve set up the context of the situation and the benefits of taking action, let’s talk about value. Value is what they will get from the action they take. Think about the value that the visitor will get from clicking on your “Get Our Free eBook” link and downloading the ebook. What do they get? They get the ebook and get started with the information right away. They get some value right there.

There are many different ways you can display value that your customers will get by taking action on your offer. And as a rule of thumb, the more benefits you can demonstrate, the more likely people are to buy.

Can you make your customers’ lives better? Can you solve their problems? Also, can you meet their needs? Can you improve their businesses? If you answer yes to these questions, you have something to offer that will add value to your potential customers.

Because of that, you need to include a clear value that your customers will get from the action.

3. Make it possible for your potential customers quickly to find an answer on the question: What’s in it for me?

Always, your customers will ask themselves about what they will get with the action. Ask yourself if your call to action is something that clearly answers this question.

An obvious but often overlooked question that you should be asking yourself is, “What’s in it for me?” We all want to know what we’re buying or consuming can do for us. We want to know the answer to “what’s in it for me?” when we make a purchase, so we should be willing to look closely at a product before buying. What is it that your product does? How will you benefit from this product?

This is important because it can give you a clue about what your ideal customer would think if they get this information. It can also help you create content that would be useful for him or her. If you can identify what makes your customers tick, you can write content that will persuade them to buy from you.

4. Play with visual effects of your call to action

Sometimes we can look at something, but we can’t see anything essential for us if that importance is not enough effective to attract our attention. You can have the best call to action that will show the values for your customers, but if that call to action doesn’t attract the attention of your potential customers, they will not see it.

Because of that, you need to play with the different visual effects of your call to action. Use the best one that gives the best results in taking action if you want your potential customers to find and react quickly.

One of the ways we can make our calls to action visually interesting is through animations or video. In fact, video is one of the most compelling types of marketing content. It is easy to digest and requires little time investment. If you are using video, you can also play with the speed at which you play the video.

5. Simplify your call to action without losing functionality

One of the most common mistakes people make when designing their call to action is to pack too much information into their design. That’s because they want to make sure that every element on the CTA does something, so they over-design them. In addition, they often make the mistake of choosing overly wordy, jargon-filled CTA text. Both these oversights will kill conversions.

Some studies looked at how complex or straightforward a message and its visual detail affected whether people found the message persuasive. They found that the more detailed a message, the less likely it was to be perceived as convincing.

You want to have a simple call to action but at the same time something that will not lose its functionality. That means your call to action will need to be clear, simple, and short. But, also at the same time to display the values and benefits for your potential customers if they take the called action.

6. Answer the question: Is your CTA action oriented?

Call to action is something that must encourage action. Because of that, it must be action-oriented.

The next step is to make sure your call to action is action-oriented. This means you have to ensure that the CTA you choose for your product or service will drive some action. If your CTA is a text, image, or video, make sure it is clearly visible and in a position that’s easy to take action.

7. Answer the question: Is your CTA enough prominent?

The other principle on this list is something called “prominence”. Prominence is the amount of attention your CTA is receiving. There are two ways to make sure your CTA is prominent: Make sure your CTA is the most significant piece of text, and the second is to make sure you have enough space between your call to action and the rest of your content.

Your call to action must be prominent enough before everything else in your offer. Because of that, ask yourself this question, and if it is not enough prominent make it be.