4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity in the Office

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity in the Office

The thought of improving your work productivity can be daunting, especially if you have been trying long enough without tangible results. But it can be done. Even the people that have made considerable strides in their careers have had to deal with feelings of inadequacy at some point in their career journey. 

Incorporating a few habits in your daily life can be a game-changer. You may also need to strangle a few other practices that are derailing your progress.

In this article, we look at four ways that will take your productivity to a higher level:

1. Always Start Your Day Early and Set Your Goals to Improve Productivity

One common habit you find with high performers is starting their day early. Early mornings are devoid of distractions, and your mind is also fresh. You will also have the time to charge your mind with an inspiring book, do your morning jog and take a healthy breakfast. 

Additionally, you can pre-meditate over the day’s tasks. This gives you a focused mindset so that as you get to the office, you already know what to do. You can also write down your daily goals, which will help you stay focused throughout the day.

You can also set apart an hour or more to accomplish part of your day’s work even before getting to the office. This will put you ahead of the flock.

Keeping this routine can dramatically increase your performance. You will also avoid the feeling of ever being in a rush, and instead, you take charge of your days, then weeks, months, and you will win the entire year.

2. Take a Coffee Break

Take a break, and you can use this time to brew some coffee. Don’t just go for any coffee. Have you noticed that you don’t get any choice for pre-ground coffee? You will be forced to accept the manufacturer’s preferred coarseness. You agree that sometimes the result is not the right quality of coffee you want.

Unground coffee is the real deal. Today, it’s easier to choose the best bean-to-cup coffee machine that will enable you to grind the beans to the coarseness that brings you to life. These coffee beans will offer you the original taste, are fresh and flavorful. The bean to cup coffee machine can be a game-changer in your office and to your productivity as well. 

3. Organize your Work Area and Keep Live Plants for Productivity

Declutter your work area and ensure it’s sparkling clean. That’s a common trait with top CEOs and executives. Orderliness will help to reduce feelings of anxiety and to maintain focus. 

Again, you can locate the documents and stationery you need with ease. Thus you avoid time wastage while digging into a clutter only to realize what you needed is actually in a different place. And for the items you don’t often use, stack them neatly in a designated space. 

You can also have live plants in your office. These will add aesthetic value. Also, studies show that interior plants increase employees’ productivity by up to 15% and lower their stress levels. Interior plants also grow employee satisfaction and happiness while at work and perceive improved air quality.

Depending on your taste, get plants that you connect with personally. Also, get plants that can thrive in your office, given the varying environmental factors.

4. Avoid Distractions from your Phone and Social Media

If not checked, social media and using your phone unnecessarily can significantly reduce your productivity. Try the suggestions below that work:

Turn-off alerts

Resisting the urge to check your messages every time you get a signal can be close to impossible. But, when the notification alert is off, you can concentrate on your tasks till break time or when you have completed them.

Schedule time to check social media and reply to messages

If you can’t keep social media off till the end of the day, you can check the feeds as a way to reward yourself after accomplishing a given task. This can double as a way to unwind before starting on the next job. But, ensure you allocate just a few minutes and strive to be disciplined.

Power off your phone till break-time to increase productivity

Social media won’t pay your bills unless you are the social media manager for your organization. So, if it becomes an addiction, discipline yourself to have your phone off till break-time. It’s an uphill task for a start, but once you master it, your productivity levels will sky-rocket.

Indiscipline is costly. You can have a disciplined work life with the right attitude and consistency. And this can turn out to be your default. Continued productivity will attract promotions and, in the long run, more bucks.