5 Renovation Ideas To Create An Inspired Office Space

inspired office space

There are many ways to increase productivity and enthusiasm in the workplace, one of which is designing an office space conducive to a healthy work environment. Many workers express increased job satisfaction when they enjoy staying in the office because of its visually appealing design and employee-friendly amenities. As employee satisfaction is key to an organization’s success, companies create the ideal workspace for their workers.  

If you’d like to know some helpful tips in creating an inspired and energized office space ideal for your enterprise, you can consider the following suggestions: 

1. Enhance Natural Light Exposure 

Natural sunlight is known to impact people’s energy and mood positively. As such, maximizing it inside the workplace can help boost productivity and the overall wellness of your employees. To allow natural light to penetrate further into your workspace, you can consider installing glass wall partitions for your next Office reburbishment project.

You can also improve the lighting to brighten up the space. This will improve your workers’ memory and alertness and enhance their mood. However, you may also need to place transparent or translucent curtains on glass dividers and windows to help regulate indoor temperatures, especially during extremely hot weather.  

2. Dedicate Spaces For Specific Functions 

Modern workplaces invest in creating specific nooks for functions such as one-on-one meetings, conferences, breakout rooms, etc. These rooms help workers feel focused on their tasks, especially when they have the right equipment needed for those functions. For instance, breakout rooms should have games, sound systems, and comfortable seating that would help create a cozy and relaxed ambiance ideal for team-building activities.

On the other hand, meeting rooms should be equipped with speakerphones, glass writing boards, and a sound system which would be helpful for teleconferences. This way, your employees can have the space and privacy needed to carry out their responsibilities and tasks.  

3. Promote Comfort And Wellness 

If you’re thinking about making the workplace more comfortable for your workers, you can consider replacing outdated desks and chairs with ergonomic office seating. This specialized seating usually has adjustable features that support the back, neck, and shoulders. These areas are prone to muscle strain caused by seating for extended hours, so it will be conducive for your employees to have a comfortable chair and desk to prevent over-exertion and pain.  

Apart from enhancing comfort, employees will also appreciate having a work environment to take care of their health and well-being. While having a gym in a workplace is ideal, other less-costly options you can consider could help you achieve the same effect. For instance, working treadmills or workstations allow more movement throughout the day. These can provide your workers with a way to increase their physical activity instead of staying seated for hours.  

office renovation ideas

4. Go Eco-Friendly  

Investing in energy-efficient systems might be the ideal renovation project for you if you’re looking to promote eco-friendly habits in your workplace. By enhancing energy efficiency, you’ll inspire your employees to take care of the environment and lower operational costs in the long run.  

You can also incorporate nature in your office space by adding more greenery where possible. To do this, you can add flowering plants or small water fountains in common areas where everyone can see them. You can also encourage your employees to bring their miniature indoor plants, called dwarf planets, ideal for décor in office desks or cubicles. Being around plants is known to impact health and wellness positively, and they can also improve the air quality in your workspace.  

5. Add Color 

Some organizations believe that color psychology can help motivate and influence their employees, and they incorporate its theories in the color palette of their workplace. Depending on the industry, some colors may set the right mood for workers to work faster and more enthusiastically. Other colors may also help prevent boredom as they’re naturally stimulating for both the eyes and the human mind. As such, you can use this strategy to break off the dullness of monochromatic spaces in your workplace.  

Related: Uncovering the Psychologists’ Theories of Motivation: What Drives Human Behavior?

For instance, if your workplace needs a more stimulating and energizing environment, you can consider adding splashes of warm colors such as yellow, orange, and red. On the other hand, blue and green are commonly associated with feelings of calm and tranquility, so they might be ideal if these feelings align with the nature of your industry.   


It may be challenging to plan an office renovation, primarily when you’ve worked in the same place for a long time. Because of developing familiarity with its old design over time, you may be unsure whether or not adding or removing specific features would be suitable for your workspace. In this case, you’ll need to gather inspiration from more modern workspaces to see which elements could be helpful or practical for your organization. With the right ideas, you can transform your old workspace into a place that encourages productivity and motivation while considering your renovation budget and timeline.