Online Criminal Record Checks: Benefits for Employers and Employees

Online Criminal Record Checks - Benefits for Employers and Employees

In today’s digital age, background checks have become common practice for many employers seeking to hire new staff. In the UK, it is a legal requirement for certain job sectors, such as health, education, and social care, to conduct criminal record checks on candidates.

While traditional background checks can be a time-consuming and costly process, online criminal record checks have emerged as a faster, more convenient, and more affordable alternative. Not only do they offer benefits for employers, but they also provide many advantages for employees who may require such checks for a number of reasons.

Benefits for Employers

1. Faster and more efficient process

One of the most notable benefits of online criminal record checks for employers is the blistering speed and efficiency they offer. Instead of waiting weeks for results, online checks can be completed within hours, allowing employers to navigate the hiring process much faster and with ease. This is particularly helpful for organizations in a rush to hire staff on short notice, such as during peak seasons or when an employee resigns unexpectedly.

2. Cost-effective

Traditional criminal record checks can be expensive, especially when hiring many employees – it all adds up. Online checks, on the other hand, are generally more affordable and allow employers to conduct multiple checks concurrently, saving both money and time in the process.

3. Enhanced accuracy

Criminal record checks online use advanced technology and algorithms to scan various databases, making it far easier to identify and remove incorrect or irrelevant data. This can lead to more accurate and reliable results, reducing the risk of hiring someone with a criminal history who may pose a risk to the company or other employees.

Benefits for Employees

1. Faster turnaround time

For employees who require a criminal record check for employment or volunteer purposes, online checks offer rapid turnaround times, often providing results within 24-48 hours. This means less time waiting and more time focusing on the job or volunteer work at hand – a big win for all parties.

2. Convenience

Online criminal record checks can be completed from the comfort of one’s home or office, eliminating the need to travel to a particular location to submit fingerprints or other documentation in-person. This can be especially beneficial for employees who work remotely or have limited mobility.

3. Privacy

Online criminal record checks offer far more privacy than traditional checks, as employees can complete the process online without the requirement for face-to-face interactions. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may feel uncomfortable disclosing personal information in person.


Online criminal record checks offer a variety of benefits for both employers and employees. From faster turnaround times and enhanced accuracy to convenience and cost-effectiveness, these checks are becoming increasingly popular in today’s fast-paced digital world. Whether you’re an employer looking to hire new staff or an employee who requires a criminal record check for employment or volunteer purposes, consider using an online check to streamline the process and make it more efficient for all involved.